Friday has come and it's time for our digest.
Friday has come and it's time for our digest.
Fitnesstech Athletic apparel company lululemon acquires fitness startup MIRROR for $500mn, Healthcareglobal says.
MIRROR is an interactive home gym featuring live and on-demand fitness classes. To display the content the company suggests using a stylish mirror screen. "lululemon framed the acquisition as part of its attempt to build an ecosystem of digital experiences, including exercise and mindfulness offerings," Healthcareglobal says.
Well, modern sport is more about technology than traditional apparel.
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Poor health reduces global GDP by 15% each year, McKinsey Global Institute says. It's about twice the pandemic’s likely negative impact in 2020!
According to the research, 70% of the economic benefits could be achieved with cleaner and safer environments, supporting the adoption of healthier behaviors, and more access to vaccines and preventive medicine.
See more details on HBR article:
There are different ways to fight COVID. One of them is by using...robots. Take a look at Dubai-based Sanitizexperts that introduced its Automated UVC Robot.
"Rather than existing systems that often use harmful chemicals, the new robot will provide safe 360-degree disinfection," Healthcareglobal says.
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